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I woke up this morning and I had lost my smile and it wasn’t my fault and I looked everywhere and it was gone. Then I met a workman and a king and the best salesman in the world and a clown and no-one wanted to give me theirs. At school, I asked Miss to give me hers, but she gave us a pop quiz instead, and then no-one was smiling and…

From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

A little boy wakes up in the morning and realizes he has lost his smile. After spending the entire day trying to find it, he learns the truth behind smiles: the only real smiles are the shared ones.

Runaway Smile is my first children’s book and it is finally here, after two long years of preparation! For a few more days, and just for the wonderful people following my blog, I have posted it online, where you can read it for free! If you enjoy it, feel free to share with your friends – or even get a copy for you or the wee ones in your life on Amazon or Createspace! 🙂

Update: Since some people have complained that they had trouble watching the slideshow online,  you can now read the book on the children’s books page. Enjoy! 🙂