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Call to Arms PosterFiguring out where to advertise your book is worse than standing in a betting shop, five minutes before a race. You have money in your pocket, but a limited amount of time in which to select a guaranteed winner, and the odds are not in your favor.

I have already posted my ad results online. But I need more information. So, please send me your precious data. Where did you advertise, how much did it cost you and how many books did you sell as a result?

I will use this data to inform you of the best ways to invest your precious, limited advertising budgets. Also, I promise to share my own sales and ad results with you. With your help, we can reach thousands more – just share, reblog and share some more. Let’s help each other navigate these treacherous waters and make sure we don’t spend another dime in vain!

Want to learn more? Find out why this survey is the best thing to you since sliced bread (what, you want us to go back to a barbaric world where we have to tear the bread apart ourselves with primitive tools?)

Update: You can read the preliminary results on the Call to Arms survey here.