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Design Advisor recently created an Infographic describing how the psychology of color can impact your website conversions. In simple words, how using the right color can help you sell your product.

Right away, it occurred to me that this would be a great share for anyone interested in finding out more about the ways colors can help with a book’s or author’s identity.

For example, within 90 seconds, a potential reader will have made up their mind whether they like your book or not. Up to an astounding 90% of that choice will be color-based! Which makes sense if you consider that almost 85% of people buy a product based on its color.

So, what exactly does each color convey and which emotions does it trigger in readers? Check out the Infographic below to find out!

Infographic color | Istomedia web database and multimedia design - σχεδίαση ιστοσελίδων, βάσεις δεδομένων, πολυμέσα