A great selection of writing links!

A Dash of Words with Loleta Abi Romance Author


Links 8/30/19



1. https://annerallen.com/2019/08/7-rules-cliffhanger/
“We all know the pleasure of getting lost in a book.

We have all experienced that compulsion to
turn the page to find out what happens next.

In fact, that irresistible urge to keep
reading—to turn the page—might be one of the reasons we wanted to be writers.

Just one more.

Just ask James Patterson or Lee Child who
have kept millions up reader to stay up way past their bedtime to read just one
more page, one more chapter.

How do they do it?

What’s the source of their magic power?

The secret ingredient—in addition to
Patterson’s short chapter and Child’s larger-than-life hero—is the cliffhanger,
which has a long and (mostly) honorable history.” This
something I usually do.

2. https://www.janefriedman.com/get-out-of-the-writing-doldrums/
“No matter how much we love writing, sometimes we find ourselves in the
doldrums: the blank page terrorizes us…

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