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I’ve spent most of today designing the cover for my short science fiction stories collection, titled “Six Days a Week” (what do you think of the title? Since the collection has six stories, I thought it appropriate.)

As is always the case with these things, I’ve narrowed it down to two options, regarding the cover.  Unfortunately, at the last minute I got stuck, and since everyone’s been so helpful, I thought I’d ask your opinion.  Please vote (or comment) on which one you prefer – the one with the light-blue background, or the completely white one.

 Update: Following your feedback (you all preferred the blue one), I updated the cover by changing its font and the book name. Waiting for your feedback!  Namely: What do you think of the new name, “The Power of Six”?  Do you like the rocket, or does it look too “childish”? Would you rather have a dark background, say with planets etc, or is that too cliche?

Further Update: Once again, your feedback has led to two further covers – a slight variation on the blue one, and a new, purple one. Whatcha think?

Cover The Power of Six (blue background)

The Power of Six (blue background)

Cover The Power of Six (purple background)

The Power of Six (purple background)