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Found on laura-marshall.com

Thank you for visiting my blog!

Before becoming an author, I had no idea just how much work book marketing entails. So, my blog is mostly aimed at helping authors with their book marketing efforts and at sharing everything I learn along the way.

I also post writing tips and free stories. For some fun reading, visit the Entertainment section.

If you like what you see here, check out my books on Amazon.

Oh, and please feel free to reblog and share. I’ll be grateful to you if you do! For an easy way to do so, or for those who have trouble viewing this blog, I have set up a mirror blog on nicholasrossis.wordpress.com.

[tweetthis remove_hidden_hashtags=”true”]For great #book #marketing tips and #free stories visit the blog of author Nicholas C. Rossis[/tweetthis]

Latest News

  • Honest Fibs book cover | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books

    Check out on Amazon

    Honest Fibs, My latest collection of short science/speculative fiction stories is now available on Amazon.

  • Infinite Waters: 9+1 Speculative Fiction Short Stories was voted one of the top 50 Indie books of 2015. A massive thank-you hug to everyone who voted for it!
  • Sally Sue Ember interviewed me for her live show, CHANGES. For some reason we ended up talking mostly about religion, philosophy and reincarnation. You can watch the interview here.

So, I’m an Author now…

A little-known fact about writing your first book: unless you inform others of your intention well in advance, you might find yourself in an awkward position.  Like, when you present your manuscript to your parents so they can read it.  A couple of months later, when you ask if they have read it, your dad will go, slightly annoyed, “no, I’m re-reading Martin’s books right now, so it’ll have to wait.”

Then, a further couple of months later, he’ll call you late at night to say, “great book, son, with some fantastic ideas!  I was totally hooked.  A page-turner; kept me up at night.  You know what this guy did?  He took historical elements from ancient Greece and created a space opera with them.”

And you’ll say, after a brief pause, “what guy?”

To which your dad will reply, in a confused voice, “why, whoever wrote this.  There was no name on the manuscript.”

Now, what I should have said, of course, is something along the lines of “it’s not really a space opera, dad, but more of a dark epic fantasy; a dystopian metaphysical thriller with strong sci-fi elements, where the heroes face tough moral dilemmas, discovering themselves in the process.”

But no-one talks to their dad this way, right?  So all I said, once I managed to stop laughing, was, “I wrote it, dad.  But I’m super glad you liked it even before you knew that.”

Who am I?

Nicholas C. RossisI am Nicholas C. Rossis. I live to write and do so from my cottage on the edge of a magical forest in Athens, Greece.

When not composing children’s books, epic fantasies or short sci-fi stories, I chat with fans and colleagues, support my fellow authors, write blog posts, walk my dog, and enjoy the antics of two silly cats and my baby daughter, all of whom claim my lap as home.

You can read all of my books for free on Kindle Unlimited.

Don’t own a Kindle? You can read my books in virtually any format by using the FREE Amazon reading apps!

Small Print

If you like what you see here, why not say ‘hi’ on Twitter, Google+, Goodreads or Facebook as well? I always follow back. And if you leave a comment or contact me, I’ll keep you up-to-date with my news and send you exclusive short stories as a ‘thank-you’.

I sent my first email from my cave, just before my dad took me for my first Stegosaurus hunt. Since then, I’ve been obsessive about checking my email. Contact me through the contact form.

If you see an image here that belongs to you and you do not wish for it to be used or wish to have it correctly credited, please message me so that I can make any changes.

423 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi! thank you for finding and following my blog. Neat site. Looks like a follow on my part as well.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Glad to hear it kanzensakura, thanks for the follow! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s so cool! Really made me chuckle. Thanks for following my blog. 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  4. I love Pearseus Rise of the Prince! Looking forward to reading all of your books 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  5. God Bless our fathers! I still can’t get my father to read a copy of the book I gave him 9 years ago! I asked him if he has seen my blog. He said “No, I don’t really get the whole blog thing.”
    I am a great disappointment to him, because he raised me to be a Plastics Engineer, not a cartoonist.
    They love us anyway! We must believe that!

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Hi there, glad to meet you through this wonderful world of blogging

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I’m so glad Joylene Butler posted about you and your books. Great to find your site.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Wow! This is great! I will definitely return to read more. 👌

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Thanks for following my blog. Am following you as well.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. I just finished following your interview on the Shelf, and decided to check out your blog. I agree with you that our Book Club is a great one. Please check out my blog too at: Jinlobify.Com. I am also following you on twitter, please follow back. Thanks.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. First off – thanks for liking my blog. I jumped over here to have a look and it’s so refreshing to find some warm, down-to-earth writing advice. Thanks very much:)

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Great page, and funny story about your dad! If it makes you feel any better, mine took about 8 or 9 months to even start reading my book, and he did know I wrote it.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. Yes, that’s the best: ““I wrote it, dad. But I’m super glad you liked it even before you knew that.”

    It makes me laughing 🙂

    Thank you for following my blog, Nicholas 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  14. History of the Ancient World said:

    Nice to meet you Nicholas and thank you for following my blog! Greetings from Finland, Maarit

    Liked by 4 people

  15. sirgserge said:

    Thanks for following my blog. By reading your about, I now guess I want to be like you when I grow up…

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Thanks for the follow. I found you by way of Chris The Story Reading Ape and your guest post today. I like your (writing) style. I’ll be back.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. Thanks very much for the follow. I am not much of a reader of science fiction, but I do wish you well with your books, and hope you achieve great success.
    Best wishes from England, Pete.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for the kind wishes and for dropping by! I blog about all things related to blog promotion and marketing except for Indie publishing and writing, so I hope you’ll still find quite a few posts that will be of interest to you.


      • I like the look of the box set in the photo above. It looks like real quality, something desirable. Great work from the marketing people!
        Best wishes, Pete.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Lol – as the marketing people, I can’t thank you enough for your kind comment (I design my own covers) 🙂

          This one took me all day, but it was worth it, I love the end result, if I do say so myself!


      • In that case, extra congratulations are due. Well done on the design. It is near-perfect for what you are trying to sell. A five-star trilogy box!

        Liked by 2 people

        • Aw, come on now Pete, you’re being too kind, stop it (why are you stopping? Go on!) 😀

          I’m glad you like it, let’s hope people go for it. It’s great value for money, and will be even better when Mad Water goes to its regular price of $2.99 (so you pay $3.49 for the bundle instead of $5.97)


  18. Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon said:

    A Big Hello Nicholas from HOT Arizona, USA! Thanks for taking a peek at my blog. I’m enjoying reading and exploring yours. And I’m a new fan. I also blog about my 7 1/2 years in recovery, mental illness, and advocate for those who like mw endured childhood abuse & trauma here: http://catherinelyonaddictedtodimes.wordpress.com

    I wish you much Success with your book!
    Author, Catherine Lyon Of Lyon Media & Book Promotions! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Hi Nicholas, just dropped in to check out your blog. Nice!! I need some ammo (er, I mean some info) for your interview on my blog. Lol! I will be checking you out on all links. I like to get to know my subject better.

    Liked by 3 people

  20. Nice to meet you Nicholas!
    I’ve never been to Greece, but I did attempt to sing in Greek at a Greek Orthodox church in Hawaii (Oahu). Stelio taught me how to pronounce the words, but I don’t think I was that accurate. 🙂 The music was very beautiful.

    Liked by 3 people

  21. Hei Nicholas,
    nice to meet you! I have never been to beautiful Greece, but Klausbernd lived there more than a year and I hope to see it one day too.
    Thank you very much for following The World according to Dina.
    All the best from the North,

    Liked by 3 people

  22. I loved the story of your father 😀
    Best wishes from Japan,

    Liked by 3 people

  23. I can definitely relate to this. Your blog is brilliant, by the way. Thanks for checking out my stuff, and your book collection looks awesome!

    Liked by 3 people

  24. I found you on someone else’s blog and thought I’d invite myself in. A pleasure to meet a writer. I myself are far from one, my site is historical, so I deal mainly in facts and statistics, logistics, ugh – so I try to spice it up and add humor to ease the reader’s burden of putting up with me. A pleasure to meet you.
    GP Cox –

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you and welcome! Don’t sell yourself short, you’re a writer alright.

      Your blog is a treasure trove of fascinating information, and I particularly admire the way you manage to organize disparate information into a coherent post. The fact that it’s non fiction makes the stories even more amazing, not less so!


      • I take that as quite compliment! School for me was always science orientated, with a side interest in history because of my father, so your words are a surprise to me (but don’t get me wrong – a welcome surprise).

        Liked by 2 people

  25. panikikubik said:

    Thank you so much for visiting and following my blog. I appreciate it very much!

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Hi, thank you for following my blog. You have a lot of interesting stuff on yours; informative and entertaining.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. I nominated you for the Very Lovely Blog Award today on my FB: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorShannonAThompson

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Hi Nicholas,
    Thank you for following my blog, I am very honoured to have an author following my blog as I think your blog has very interesting content, as well as I should learn how to write from you….

    Liked by 2 people

  29. You’re very welcome, Nicholas! I love your blog and am happy to share! @v@ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  30. I just read your short story “Kill the Devil.” Clever way to boost your writing – sending out email notifications as a thank you for reading your blog! It’s an excellent story, very well written! I promise I will read Perseus at some point. I doubt I’ll have to be annoyed about poor editing! Thanks for the story!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lol – I’m so paranoid about editing, that I have poor Lorelei edit even my short stories. So no, you needn’t worry about that. 😀

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, thank you! 🙂


      • Yes, I totally agree with the necessity to edit and check. You can’t overcheck. you’re fortunate to have someone there to do so. Sometimes the pressure to publish a blog means there’s no polish, for me. I’m looking forward to going back and editing the earlier ones in particular. I have a friend who checks mine as soon as he gets the notification- I do correct, but it means my followers get spelling mistakes or…

        Liked by 2 people

  31. The “thank you” for reading your blog is a nice touch that’s appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Congratulations on your writing successes. I enjoyed the story about your dad reading your creation without knowing it.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. I’m flattered and grateful that you have liked my blog and have decided to follow. Thank you. Read your hints for writers. I agree, rules make sense, when they work. And personally I like starting a sentence with a preposition! I shall keep checking your posts, some useful ideas and you are a good role model- I like your writing style. I’m looking forward to reading your comments about J.K.Rowling. Glad you read me and I have found you, it’s so helpful for me to have good writers to follow. Ah, Athens! what a great place to live, although a small rural town in Australia has its charms.

    Liked by 2 people

  34. Thank you, Nicholas, for the short story. I enjoyed it. It is an unusual premise and interesting take on killing. Funny how you picked my maiden name at the end of your story. Thanks for sharing! Nice writing style!

    Liked by 2 people

  35. Cate Russell-Cole said:

    This is one of the most beautifully designed blogs I have ever seen. I’ll be sharing this to inspire people. The very best of luck with your writing.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Great site and love following you here…love the way we can find talented people like you on web these days 🙂 Great job Nicholas ..have a lovely day

    Liked by 2 people

  37. Thanks! The sad thing is that every word I wrote is true… 😀


  38. Geia sou Nicholas, Great blog! Nice! Look forward to meeting in person one day.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. The story about your dad is priceless! Glad he liked it and a great way to talk about your book series. Sounds very interesting. I’m a fan of Robert Jordan and I do like Martin, too. And westerns, and historical fiction!

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Love your “About” page, Nicholas! I kinda forgot to tell anyone I knew I’d been writing until about a month ago and it was like surprise! I have books coming out. Your story is way better, though 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  41. Thanks for the follow. I’ll try not to disappoint. I was stationed on the island of Crete when I was in the USN for awhile, helping the Greek Army guard against the Turks when you guys were fighting over the Island of Cyprus. It was the only place I went where the people didn’t hate Americans.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I was but a toddler in 74 (born in 1970), but my dad was conscripted (like every Greek). Cyprus is still a big trauma around here, as you can imagine. I’d love to hear your experience and point of view some day!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I mostly pulled liberty with the Greek sailors, drank some stuff that tasted like licorice, did the towel dance, and ate fried squid. My point of view: I think the Greeks are the gate keepers, just like at Thermopylae, they keep the barbarians from coming over the wall. It’s the only place I went to that I’d like to visit again. It’s the only place I went to where we did more good than harm.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Thank you, that’s a kind view, and one shared by many Greeks, especially since Greece’s population has risen sharply in the last decades due to an influx of immigrants (Greece, with a population of 10 million, had roughly a decade to absorb an extra million immigrants). Predictably, this has created a backlash in the form of the rise of the far right and exaggerated social tensions.

          I was reading the other day that the EU spends some 60 billion on CAP (farmers’ subsidies); agriculture is 3% of European GDP. However, it spends under 100 million in border security, which is divided among the border countries – mainly Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta and Greece (source: http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21587802-deaths-lampedusa-highlight-europes-contradictions-over-immigration-adrift-about-boat). Greece gets around 14 mil, if memory serves. As a result, a lot of people in Greece feel they’re not only gatekeepers, but grossly unappreciated and underpaid ones. The current minister of shipping is a former classmate of mine, and he was complaining about the desperate lack of funding, while northern European countries do little more than criticize Greece for its unfair treatment of immigrants.

          The problem stems from the Lisbon treaty, which stipulates that the country of origin is responsible for dealing with immigrants, by accepting those with a legitimate claim to be refugees and sending the rest back to their original country. Most of them enter from Turkey, which refuses to accept them back, despite having signed with the EU various agreements to the contrary. As a result, they end up caught in a limbo state in Greece, unable to go back or to move on (as they have no paperwork to leave for another European country). Unable to make a legitimate living, they turn to the shadow economy (drugs, prostitution, thefts and robberies), thus perpetuating the feeling that all immigrants are criminals (a narrative that further fuels the far right’s rise). The exception was the building sector, which turned a blind eye to lack of the proper paperwork in exchange for a low salary.

          Add to the mix the financial crisis, which saw the building sector disappear, and you’ll see it’s quite the fine mess. Thankfully (?), the agricultural sector is starting to pick up, absorbing a large number of immigrants. However, even that was recently dealt a big blow when Russia closed its borders to European produce as retaliation for the EU sanctions against it.

          As the Chinese say, we live in interesting times.

          Should you wish to visit, do give us a call. I’d be happy to show you around, and share a glass or two of ouzo (the licorice stuff) over some fried squid. Can’t promise about the towel dance (what is that anyway??) Anyway, if you’ll excuse me, I now have to take one cat out and let another one in. Greece may be a gatekeeper to the EU, but I’m apparently a gatekeeper to our cats. 🙂

          Liked by 5 people

          • Ha. I’ve a dog that has better healthcare than I do.

            We have the same problems with our southern border creating the same divide with the right and left. It’s some kind of quicksand logic. People follow an ideology until they are so far removed from common sense that they can’t see their way back. People are too lazy to seek the truth out, content to let pundits and talk-show hosts tell them what they should think, there by adopting opinions based on half truths. America is in trouble right now. The two party system’s weaknesses are coming home to roost. Our government is based on the ability to compromise, but now there is no way they can even talk to each other. Globally, we find ourselves in situations where there is no good outcome what ever we do. It’s like pissing in a guy’s mouth because his teeth are on fire. Right now our internal problems are huge and most Americans would like to shut down and clean things up here at home, but the average American can no longer be heard over big money political machines.

            Liked by 2 people

          • When people complain about US hegemony, I remind them of the alternatives. That usually does the trick. 🙂

            I’m all too aware of the problems faced by the west, however our countries are paradise compared to most other places… We should not forget that; it’s what we fight for.

            Liked by 3 people

          • Roger that.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Oh yeah. ouzo, that stuff will set you free.

            Liked by 1 person

  42. Terrific blog. I glad I found it! And thanks so much for following back!

    Liked by 2 people

  43. Thanks for the like.

    Welcome. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  44. Nicholas. I very much enjoyed your short story ‘Shoot the Devil’.

    Liked by 2 people

  45. Loved the short story “Shoot the devil.” Thank you. Fascinating discussion with utahrob. I’m reading Joe Bageant’s “Deer Hunting with Jesus”, many of his comments are applicable to what’s happening here in Australia.

    Liked by 2 people

  46. Thank you so much for the follow! I enjoyed your interview and your books look just like my cup of tea!

    Liked by 2 people

  47. Hi Nicholas, thanks for finding and following my blog! SD

    Liked by 2 people

  48. And thank you for sending me the short story. I look forwsrd to reading it!

    Liked by 2 people

  49. Hi Nicholas,
    Beautiful pictures of Greece.
    I’ll be poking around your writing tips.
    Thanks and thanks for the follow.

    Liked by 3 people

  50. To which your dad will reply, in a confused voice, “why, whoever wrote this. There was no name on the manuscript.”

    I literally face palmed when I read that! Too funny…at least you got his honest opinion. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  51. I actually chuckled when reading that part about your dad. XD

    Liked by 2 people

  52. syndathim said:

    Cheers for the follow! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Thanks for following one of my two blogs. Enjoyed visiting you and will be back. Given your interests in religion etc you may find the other more cogent. You can find it here http://involution-odyssey.com/ ( Quite a bit about the Greeks- pre-Socratic particularly!)

    Liked by 2 people

  54. You have a wonderful blog. I will enjoy reading, and understanding you better as time goes on. Thank you, so much for the follow! ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  55. Shery Alexander Heinis said:

    Hi Nicholas – thanks for following my blog! I think we’ve already “met” on Twitter. You’ve got a lively and interesting blog and I’m going to continue to explore..

    Liked by 2 people

  56. Happened to come across your website while following links. Interesting stuff. Sounds like you know what you are talking about. Which is good. This is probably much too cheeky of me, but I, too, have done some writing. In fact, my novel, “The Gift Horse” was just published by Absolutely Amazing eBooks. Yes, the title refers to the Trojan Horse of the Greek & Spartan 9-year war but the story is modern … with a little sci-fi thrown in. I see no reason to make all sci-fi set in the future. In fact, most of my sci-fi stories are set in the present. The future does start now (or even earlier.)
    All success to you.
    Best regards,
    Leslie Silton
    Author:”The Gift Horse”

    Liked by 3 people

  57. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking one of my posts! Blessings, Natalie 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  58. Now I see that you have chosen to follow my blog as well. Thanks, I’m looking forward to getting to know you. N 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  59. Karen Wan said:

    Thank you for the follow, I look forward to reading your blog too!

    Liked by 2 people

  60. Hi Nicholas, I appreciate the visit and follow 🙂 Thank you

    Liked by 2 people

  61. Hi nickolas … Thankyou for opening the doorway to my blog ( it’s rather new )… And for following … I’m happy to be in your orbit of epic fantasy…xx

    Liked by 2 people

  62. Loved the bit about your dad reading your book , enjoying it and not actually knowing you were the author , that must have made you very happy , we all love our dads to acknowledge our merits , makes it even more authentic when they don’t realise the praise they are giving out is for their son or daughter and the son hears it.

    Kind Regards Kathy Burke. Happy Days..

    Liked by 4 people

  63. I started peeking and enjoyed myself…looking forward to a quiet moment, actually a few long quiet moments which are few and far between in my home, to read more. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

  64. panikikubik said:

    Hi! I just wanted to inform you that I had to close my old blog “Panic Yesterday” which you kindly followed. If you would like to follow or just visit my new blog, please click on the link http://cecilia1964.wordpress.com/
    I wish you a very nice day!

    Liked by 2 people

  65. Silver Threading said:

    Good to meet you. Thanks for the follow. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  66. Congratulations on your many successes, Nicholas! Hard-earned!! You wrote, “But no-one talks to their dad this way, right? So all I said, once I managed to stop laughing, was, “I wrote it, dad.” Darling ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  67. Thanks for the like and the follow! I found you through a link over at the Yeah Write coffeehouse. I have really enjoyed reading your tips for writing. I’ve just got a little personal blog, but I’d like to improve how I write, so thanks! Looking forward to reading more here!

    Liked by 2 people

  68. Thanks so much for following me Nicholas. I look forward to doing the same. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  69. I enjoyed reading your blog, and what you said about your Dad’s response was priceless. As I’m one year into my blogging journey I’ve shared my blog on social media. I’ve had family respond with comments like good read, love it, but the most endearing to my eyes, and funny bone are “did you really write this, I didn’t know you could do that?” 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  70. I voted for you, Nicholas.

    Liked by 2 people

  71. Hi Nicholas! Enjoyed my visit here, especially the story about your Dad…priceless! I’ll be back and i can tell you, just by the blurbs I’ve read about your books, I will be purchasing, starting probably with The Power of Six. Sounds intriguing and I’ve always loved sci-fi! Wait….ok, ok, Zoe! Zoe’s been head-butting me, wants to say hello to you too! Bossy feline…

    Liked by 2 people

  72. I am so glad to meet you. I just blogged a little concept on a children’s book on the Yeti. If you get a chance take a look. I would love some insight.

    Liked by 2 people

  73. Third chapter done on Yeti. I named the Yeti, Yedi. Love some insight.

    Liked by 2 people

  74. jeafreestyle said:

    thanks for folowing my blog. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  75. jeafreestyle said:


    Liked by 1 person

  76. Hi Nicholas. Thank you for following my blog Fur Out The Closet, which led me to your blog. You seem to have a fascinating life – internal and external.
    I hope you sometimes do silly posts about your cats 😀 ?
    All the best,

    Liked by 2 people

  77. Congratulations, Nicholas!!
    I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!! More about this is at:

    Very Inspiring Blog Award


    Liked by 2 people

  78. I’ve nominated you for an inspiring blog award! Pop over to my blog to find out more😃 http://wp.me/p3mJps-395 congratulations and merry Christmas . You’ll have to do it with two nominations now 😜

    Liked by 2 people

  79. Any writer who is a cat lover has me hooked!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lol – thanks! Even if he’s also a dog lover? 😀

      I’m in the middle of your latest post. Wonderful writing, can’t wait to find out what happens with Ed!


      • I also love dogs. At one point we had five cats, three dogs, three ferrets, an iguana, five snakes, and some turtles. My son was testing my limits in terms of pets and the ick factor, but I loved them all. A Night at the Royale was written three years ago, couldn’t figure out what to do with it, so I linked it to my books via the cop, who will, sad to say, now have to disappear from my books.

        Liked by 2 people

        • John Smith is gone?? That’s a shame! 😦

          You put my pets to shame… Nothing so exciting, I’m afraid. Just a huge toad and a lizard who had adopted us at some point, along with a bunch of doggies and kitties.


  80. I loved the concept behind the Smile. I dig Children’s Books. I guess I am influenced for I was a teacher for forty years.

    Liked by 2 people

  81. So nice to meet you, and thank you for visiting me at Roughwighting. I love how you describe ‘becoming’ an author and trying to get your family on board. I teach creative writing classes, and one of the things I recommend to my students is NOT to share with spouses/parents/siblings for a long time. Their comments can be very blocking! 🙂 Your dad’s response is actually perfect. Ha ha. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Liked by 2 people

  82. I am an author as well. Congrats! It’s a hard road but well worth it. Are you on goodreads? I am…Jackie 🙂 Happy New 2015!

    Liked by 2 people

  83. What an interesting site and thank you for following my blog – not nearly as interesting as yours! I am now following you

    Liked by 2 people

  84. After reading your giveaway children’s book, Runaway Smile. I’m a fan and follower! Already wrote a long comment on today’s guest blog site. I have fond ties to Greece. I lived there for 5 years in Ekali and Kifissia, and Lindos, Rhodes was a favorite place to be among the writers and artists. Look forward to browsing around your site to read more of your writing! thanks! Christine

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw, that’s so sweet of you, thank you! I was just admiring your sunsets (feel free to grab any photos you like from my photo galleries).

      When were you in Greece? We live pretty close to Ekali (Agios Stefanos). How funny is that? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nicholas, thanks for liking my sunset gallery. I’m going to find some of yours and showcase them! I lived in Greece from 1975-1980. I remember Ekali & Kifissia well, and the small surrounding towns. Loved the life there, and the people! Nice to think we were sort of neighbors. Christine

        Liked by 2 people

        • Wow, we were really close at the time! I did have a couple of American friends at the time, a bother and a sister called Paul and Erica. I don’t suppose you know them? They’d be in their 40s now.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Funny to think we may have been passing strangers when I was there! My sons are 52 & 53 now (yeah, I’m really old), so probably would not have known Paul & Erica. Unless they were around the Kifissia Youth Center (a hang-out for American & Greek kids). They were too young for hanging-out, but there was a playground there. Just love to remember all of this! Christine

            Liked by 2 people

          • Their dad worked at the Nea Makri US base. They once took me to a youth centre in Kastri – is that the one you mean? We watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind together. I was around 10 at the time, and very impressed, as I’d never heard the national anthem played at a cinema before. 😀

            Liked by 1 person

          • The American Youth Center was in Kifissia. The movie theatre and book store probably were in Kastri. We were not military so not allowed to make use of those facilities. However, I think my sons were brought in by their military family friends. We had military friends that bought American food and such for us. Telly Savalas’s brother was the American attaché and he lived in our neighborhood. His maid was also my maid! Don’t remember how that happened though. I was involved with embassy volunteer work (as a registered nurse at the time) and started a visiting program for American and English speaking kids in the Greek prison (for drug offenses). I was allowed to bring food in (in plastic containers) and use the warden’s office for group meetings. They always reported being treated better than they would have been in their own countries. The guards gave them extra blankets and food, and really cared about their well-being. Well, the Greek people were pretty awesome all the way around! Christine

            Liked by 2 people

          • Wow, that’s amazing! I’m glad you have happy memories of Greece and Greeks 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  85. I love your dad’s response to your book. I saw you like Vagina, Boobs, and Poop. Thanks for reading. It was the first in a series. Speaking of parent’s responses!

    Liked by 2 people

  86. Hi Nicholas. I’ve nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blog Award. I hope you will accept. Here’s the link: https://kyrosmagica.wordpress.com/2015/01/14/one-lovely-blog-award-thank-you-2/

    Liked by 2 people

  87. Hi Nicholas – Thanks for the connect and liking http://maryaperez.com/2015/01/04/stick-to-itiveness/ (I love cats too!)

    Liked by 2 people

  88. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. No need to participate if you don’t feel like it, but I wanted to show my appreciation. You can check it out here:

    Versatile Blogger Award

    Liked by 2 people

  89. Nicholas, I awarded you the Very Inspiring Blogger Award on my blog. If you would like to accept please go to this link. Congrats!https://jemsbooks.wordpress.com/2015/01/20/very-inspiring-blogger-award-for-jemsbooks-new-awardees-here/

    Liked by 1 person

  90. sweetpea2love said:

    Nicholas, thank you kindly for the return follow. I’ve just finished reading your book Runaway smile. I think this is a fabulous story, and contains many useful ideas for young children to think about. The graphics for your story were also a shear delight, by the talented artist. I’m definitely going to re-blog this and hop over to Amazon to also write a review. Bravo to you and I look forward to reading more of your works in the future.

    Take care and Happy blogging to ya, from Laura ~

    Liked by 2 people

  91. Hi There! I am ordering the Runaway Smile on amazon. That’s some range, dark sci-fi to a sweet children’s book. I like that your cat helps you write!

    Liked by 2 people

  92. Nicolas, thank you for the follow. Hope you enjoy my artworks. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  93. Hi Nicholas, I sent the book to my nephews and eagerly awaiting their opinion and I am sure it will make them all smile. I thought when I gifted it I would get to read it first, but I didn’t get too, so when I go to my family’s house, I will get to read it then!

    Liked by 2 people

  94. Hi! I was just checking out my followers’ blogs and I have to say this one is really nice. Great writing resources (yay!)! Also, I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can learn more here: http://finishthatnovel.org/2015/02/05/the-versatile-blogger-award/ Again, great work!

    Liked by 1 person

  95. Hi! Just writing to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Liebster award! Check it out here: https://laurenjeffreywriter.wordpress.com

    Liked by 2 people

  96. Love the intro to the Smile book, having just popped on over to say many thanks for the follow on my own blog which is greatly appreciated and you are warmly welcomed aboard. You have an easily read writing style which is good in my book, or should that be your book 😳. Allow me to peruse some more…..MM 🍀

    Liked by 2 people

  97. gahlearner said:

    Hello, thanks again for looking at my blog yesterday, and for the follow. I’m returning the follow, you have a very helpful, interesting site here, and a similarly interesting bio. 😀 Going to follow on fb now, too.

    Liked by 2 people

  98. Hi, another award for you! I just nominated you for the CBA! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  99. Hi Nicholas,

    Thanks so much for the blog follow. It led me to your blog, which I am now following.

    I look forward to reading more of your interesting posts.

    Happy blogging!


    Liked by 2 people

  100. Bonne chance with advertising your book and thank you for choosing to follow one of my blogs. I hope you continue to enjoy the posts.
    Regards from the south of France!

    Liked by 2 people

  101. Looking forward to reading the runaway smile to my kids. I think they’ll enjoy it. I look forward to seeing your data on book advertising. Could prove handy for the future. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m working on the post as we speak! I have several promotions of my own scheduled for April, and wanted to include that data as well. Hence the delay in publishing it, but it will be worth the wait, I promise 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  102. Good to connect with you Nicholas. You’ve jogged me into restarting my blogging! I ran a Blogger blog for a year, and then repackaged my best posts as an Amazon e-book. I repeated the process from my WordPress site the following year, but instead of making an e-book, I made both works (and another) available for free under Creative Commons in order to draw traffic to my website. Have a look at http://stuartcampbellauthor.com/essays/ . I think blog MkIII might be a bit more interactive and freewheeling. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 2 people

  103. Thank you, Nicholas, on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to follow our ministry blog and your comments. May our poetry bless your hearts and minds 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  104. Hi,
    I came over to say thank you for following my blog yesterday. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to welcome you sooner. Look at all these comments and likes! You have an engaged community. You should be proud. Nice to meet you.

    Liked by 2 people

  105. Hi Nicholas, I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Please feel free to participate 😊 More details: https://erikakind.wordpress.com/2015/04/24/the-versatile-blogger-award-2/ Have a great day/evening!

    Liked by 2 people

  106. Check out my main plot. If the story interests you, As a Lily Among Thorns, I will loan it to you via Amazon..


    Regards and goodwill blogging.

    Liked by 2 people

  107. Hello Nicholas, Many thanks for your inspiring pieces over the last year. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger and the Real Neat Blog Awards, I do hope you will accept. You can learn more about it in a post on my site called, Playing it Forward! And as always, many many many thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

  108. Thank you for the follow, Nicholas.
    I have followed your wonderful blog.

    Liked by 2 people

  109. Nicholas, as a budding author, I so appreciate your posts and being “real”. When you are first starting out, you get so many “expert” opinions until you feel like your head is about to explode. I think most of us are just impatient when it comes to getting started. We write a book, but then there is all this other “stuff” that really needs to go along with it if we are ever to be truly successful. That is the hardest part of me – patience. Thanks for all that you do!

    Liked by 2 people

  110. Thanks for becoming a subscriber. Happy blogging.

    Liked by 2 people

  111. WOW! So much information here. I can’t wait to dig in–after I go feed the goats and chickens!

    Liked by 2 people

  112. Boy, you’ve got a long way down to the end of your comments! Anyway, just to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Freestyle writing challenge, in case you’d like to take part and join in the fun. The link is here: https://kyrosmagica.wordpress.com/2015/05/24/free-style-writing-challenge-the-hurt-behind-the-smile/

    Liked by 2 people

  113. Your blog is sooo amazing! I am so glad to have stumbled upon it! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  114. Hi Nicholas! I’m so happy to meet you and grateful for the Twitter share. That was so generous of you. There is so much to read here! I am fairly new to blogging and just trying to figure it all out – including what genre I want to write in. I’m a little overwhelmed right now, to be honest. It looks like you have a lot of wisdom to share, so thank you in advance as I undertake the process of learning from your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  115. Hi, I just bothered you with a mean challenge 😉: https://erikakind.wordpress.com/2015/06/11/allergic-to-e-challenge/

    Liked by 2 people

  116. Imagine my surprise at discovering you are following my blog. Thank you! Can’t imagine how you came across it–I am fairly new to blogging and have a very small following. If you don’t mind answering: how did you end up there? Take care!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lol – that’s probably the warmest welcome I’ve received 🙂

      It’s no great mystery, really. I make a point of checking out the people who have followed me – or even liked my posts. If I like what I read in their blogs, I follow them 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  117. Hi, Nicholas! Another award is waiting for you to be picked up if you’d like: https://erikakind.wordpress.com/2015/06/17/such-a-beautiful-real-neat-and-versatile-starlight/

    Liked by 2 people

  118. I told everyone I was writing so I’d have to finish and publish because they kept asking me when I was going to finish so they could buy it and read it. Now they’re bugging me to know when the next book is coming. Good problem to have.

    Liked by 2 people

  119. Hi Nicholas, I just invited you for a challenge: https://erikakind.wordpress.com/2015/06/21/veracity-challenge/

    Liked by 2 people

  120. I’m glad I found your blog, some excellent stuff here.

    Liked by 2 people

  121. Nicholas, I nominated you for the Premio Dardos Award: https://erikakind.wordpress.com/2015/07/05/double-the-fun-and-the-honor/

    Liked by 2 people

  122. How honored I am to have you following my blog, thank you! I get the impression you make friends of your followers. How wonderful and I look forward to getting to know you better as well. Blessings back,

    Liked by 2 people

  123. Sometimes you despair at how slow the Internet is but today, as I scrolled down the comments the built in delay meant I had time to read some of what you and others said. V interesting . That’s a btw. Sorry,rambling again. First up, thanks for the follo, Nocholas – or are you a Nick? Lovely rich textures to this blog too. Hopefully today finds you in good spirits despite the way the rest of Europe seems to want to pummel your lovely country. I was fascinated by the exchange on Greece as Gatekeeper and the tiny funding the southern states receive. We here in theUK wet ourselves about the migrants camping in Calais hoping to crossthe channel but we have it easy by comparison. Following you back

    Liked by 2 people

  124. I enjoyed reading your blog and the comments, great stuff

    Liked by 2 people

  125. Thank you for sharing the smiles, and for the follow,
    Shira “Holocene/Human Era” Destinie
    21 July, 12015 HE

    Liked by 1 person

  126. You have a new fan! Looking forward to reading your latest blog posts and books 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  127. I nominated you for an award. If you’d like to participate please check here: https://erikakind.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/three-for-one/

    Liked by 3 people

  128. I loved your childrens book about the boy who lost his smile. A very fun and delightful read. I especially liked the line about a dog who can’t smell is about as useful as a cat. I’m jealous of your location, it sounds wonderful. I’ll have to check out your adult fiction and I giggled at your dad re-reading Martin’s books and then liking yours without realizing you had written it. Good stuff!

    Liked by 2 people

  129. Great blog 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  130. Deep whalers sounds interesting will get it when I can
    Your home sounds loverly

    Liked by 2 people

  131. Great being here, Nicholas, to take more time, which I have to asap, to read some nice writer’s writes…best wishes… Raj.

    Liked by 2 people

  132. I love your website! Thanks for the free copy of Runaway Smile. I am going to read it now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  133. Hey, I just realized I missed the 99 cent book deal you had for your short stories!! Can I still get that? I’m such a procrastinator!!

    Liked by 2 people

  134. To my horror, two of my close relatives are intending to buy my novel when it’s published. The pair of them look down their noses at the fantasy genre, so I can only imagine they want to read my work to pick holes in it. You are so, so lucky, Nicholas, that your father approved of your manuscript, even if he didn’t realise it was yours when he read it. Do you think that if he had known who the author was, it would have coloured his reaction to it?

    By the way, thanks for following my blog 🙂 Am now following yours, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  135. There are LOADS of things to read here. Just realized that you do Children’s book too. Very interesting, indeed. 🙂
    First, I need to read your Rise of the Prince and then I shall tell you what I think of it.

    I wish you a lovely Sunday, Nicholas!

    Liked by 2 people

  136. Hello! I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blogger Award, I’m not sure whether or not you’ve done it, but I definitely think you deserve to! 😀 I hope you find time to do it, and have fun doing it! 😀 Thanks, Matt.

    Liked by 2 people

  137. Hey there Nicholas! Just clicking around the blogosphere and commenting on blogs that I think are fun and interesting, and you’re one of them. October is my birthday month, so consider this an invitation to my month-long birthday party. Hope to see you over at That’s So Jacob sometime!

    Liked by 3 people

  138. One of the best compliments I got for my book “Laughter in the Shadows – stories of courage from 11 Zambian women” was when my Dad finally started reading it, and then couldn’t put it down. The next best compliment came from my son – I think he was a big anxious about reading it – what if he didn’t like his mother’s writing?? He wrote, as if he was surprised, “that’s a really good book!” and came to my reading with a well-read friend.

    Liked by 3 people

  139. Thank you so much for following me, Nicholas. I haven’t been on my blog properly since Christmas (I’m concentrating on the ‘writing thing’ – or trying to 🙂 ) so I’m very late getting back to you. Your blog looks excellent – and you write the kind of posts I need to read. I come bottom of the class when it come to self-promotion, so I’ll look out for posts about that in particular. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  140. Hi! Cool blog, think I’ll stick around and explore. Pleased to meet you!

    Liked by 3 people

  141. Nicholas, nice to meet and learn more about you. Thank you for finding and following my blog. I will certainly take the time to visit yours as well. Have a happy day! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  142. What a wonderful blog you’ve got here. Thanks for the follow because it led me here.

    Liked by 3 people

  143. This seems like just the type of blog I should be following! Not sure how I haven’t found you until now 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  144. Wow, very nice. I’m definitely FOLLOWing back!!! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  145. Polla sinharitiria yia ta vivlia kai hairetismata ap’tin Roumania!

    By the way, my mother-in-law did the same like your father 15 years ago. I had just finished transcribing on computer one of my novels (the one which got already published now). It was my then fiance’s birthday, we were preparing for the wedding so all the little money we had was for the wedding, so my birthday gift for him was my story, put in a plastic spiral and with a birthday greeting on the second page. He read some, then he fell asleep, and the next morning when he was at work, my mother-in-law did the cleaning, found it and started reading it.

    As in my epilogue I said it was a Viking Age manuscript discovered in our times, she didn’t believe I wrote it, she thought I translated it from English or Greek. ANd in the evening when my now husband, then fiance came home, he got interrogated: “Where did she find it to translate it? It is beautiful, I was so captivated that I forgot about watching the news at TV… and my soup overflew on the stove too!” 🙂 Which could be a better compliment from a mother-in-law, may she rest in peace?

    Liked by 3 people

  146. Nicholas, I would like to invite you to become a guest host on the MysteryThrillerWeek.com event in February. Writers and others will be attending a Facebook event where the host can talk about publishing, writing tips, all the things you share on your site. I hope you will consider my invitation and join in for the Feb 12-22, 2017 event, from the comfort of your own computer. #MTW is growing and looking for people with the ability to share knowledge one hour at a time. Thanks! Vicki from The Page Turner and #MTW event team member

    Liked by 3 people

  147. Thank you so much for visiting and following my website- so glad you did as I’ve enjoyed visiting yours which is rich with information! Lots to explore. And I like your sense of humour. I look forward to reading more 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  148. Oh, to be able to write from an idillic setting! Oh well, only in my mind. hahaha Thanks for following my blog Nicholas.

    Liked by 3 people

  149. I’m enjoying your posts. Thanks for the follow on my blog, as well!

    Liked by 3 people

  150. writeonthebeach said:

    Hi – just dropped by to say thanks for following my blog and I’m enjoying fossicking around yours. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  151. A magical forest in Athens, Greece? Does that forest have a name? I admit that I know little about the natural history of Greece, and would be happy to learn more.

    Liked by 4 people

    • The forest next to Marathon Lake is part of the Natura network (what natural parks are called in Europe). I live a short 7′ drive from the lake itself, at the very edge of the Natura area. Greece has an astonishing amount of biodiversity, in part because of its many islands. Some of its islands even hosted dwarf mammoths as recently as a few millennia ago, and lions were on the prowl in the Classical era (some 2,500 years ago).

      Liked by 2 people

  152. Hi

    Thank you so much for finding my blog and following me, looking forward to getting to know you


    Liked by 2 people

  153. Thanks so much for following MarySmith’sPlace – hope you enjoy the posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  154. Unchaptered said:

    Hi Nicholas,

    I just wanted to tell you that I though Infinite Waters was brilliant! I’ve written a review over on unchaptered.wordpress.com. Looking forward to reading your other books…especially Runaway Smile 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  155. litupmagazine said:

    I like this. Will have to spend some time here.

    Liked by 1 person

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